Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Nominations, Please

As "Anonymous" said on my comments page, "Whatever the party, it's time for fresh air in the Statehouse." Anonymous is right. We need some new leadership in our state caucuses. Starting with the House.

Please submit your picks for Speaker/Minority Leader.

The only rule is this: The new leaders must be less homophobic and less anti-semitic than Bosma, and more bipartisan than Bauer. Which pretty much only excludes Jeff Thompson and Adolf Hitler.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Win Moses and Jeff Espich.

4:31 PM  
Blogger Doug said...

Dave Crooks

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheila Klinker and Cindy Noe

8:35 PM  
Blogger Jezebella said...

anonymous 7:35 - I appreciate your display of feminism. However, Cindy Noe does not pass the bipartisan test because she simply regurgitates Bush-Rove talking points. Sheila Klinker is a great representative, but she might have trouble standing at the Speakers' podium through a 5-hour session on 4-inch platform heels.

Might I suggest Carolene Mays for first female Speaker?

Otherwise, all good suggestions. Keep them coming.

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan Dvorak and Matt Bell.

Skip a generation.

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolene Mays?

A) Huge lightweight.
B) Huge hypocrite when she voted for the same sex marriage amendment. I don't think she could win the proverbial job of dogcatcher in any group that gets to know her.

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Orentlicher or Greg Porter for the Dems

Leave Bosma in leaderhsip, as Minority Leader. It'd be hilarious.

The gravitas would be a marked contrast to current and past leadership.

Bauer must go. Ditto Cochran, Dobis, Noe (a shrill woman with nary an original thought).

Sheila may need a booster chair, but she's smarter alseep than most of current leadership awake.

2:19 PM  

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