Jezebella's "Top 6 in '06" (bullet-point and slogan edition)
[Note: Original Post with Elaboration Below]
1. Energy Independence through Renewable Resources.
Slogan: Put Made-in-America on our gas pumps.
2. Fiscal Discipline
Slogan: Repeal the unborn-baby tax.
3. De-Militarization of the War on Terror
Slogan: Fight terrorists, not nations.
Slogan 2: Guns do not end Terror. Courage ends Terror.
4. Outside-the-Box Worker Protection.
Slogan: A good economy is an economy that is good for everyone.
5. Social Equality.
Slogan: Stop writing bigotry into the law.
6. Ridding Washington of the “Culture of Corruption.”
Slogan: Rid Washington of the Conservative Culture of Corruption.
1. Energy Independence through Renewable Resources.
Slogan: Put Made-in-America on our gas pumps.
2. Fiscal Discipline
Slogan: Repeal the unborn-baby tax.
3. De-Militarization of the War on Terror
Slogan: Fight terrorists, not nations.
Slogan 2: Guns do not end Terror. Courage ends Terror.
4. Outside-the-Box Worker Protection.
Slogan: A good economy is an economy that is good for everyone.
5. Social Equality.
Slogan: Stop writing bigotry into the law.
6. Ridding Washington of the “Culture of Corruption.”
Slogan: Rid Washington of the Conservative Culture of Corruption.
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